Soft skills

The soft skills I developped through my life



I am a big fan of rock climbing, I enjoy spending my time climbing in the nature and tanking some climbing pictures. With this sport I also developped some communication skills. Indeed, the communication between the climber and the belayer is a fundamental in rock climbing.

I also really enjoy lots of other sports like running, swimming, skiing, windsurfing and I did judo for over 15 years.


I used to play the guitar since 2016. I had a guitar teacher between 2017 and 2020 and participated to some auditions through the music academy I was member of.

Playing an instrument helped me to become a more extraverted people and to develop my creativity.

Clubs and associations

I'm invested in many clubs of my school, ENSEEIHT, such as :

7Robot : a robotic club participating to the French Robotic Cup. We also work on many other projects involving hard skill like embedded systems programming, electronics and mechanics.

Net7 : a computer science association developping some applications to help the students of ENSEEIHT to organize events, to share tips with the rest of the school, ...

Gr'INP : the rock climbing association of Toulouse INP.


Europass mobility

I obtained an europass mobility after a little intership in Germany. During this internship, I have studied computer programming in language C#.

I also gained insights into German culture and acquired my first work experience. Integrated easily into the team; a very enriching experience for me.

Civic engagement